RGB + #FFFFFF and RGB + #000000 are a series of RGB painting in which there is a filter of white and black colors.

The numbers #FFFFFF indicate the hexadecimal code of a color in the programming language, in which #FFFFFF indicate the white color and #000000 the black color.

The process giving rise to these paintings seeks to analogize algorithms composing images in LCD screens, thus creating a parallel between a physical and a digital language. The works are composed of red, green and blue colors (the three colors constituting the pixels that structure screens), thereby approaching the Additive color theory (light) by “physical” pigments.

The layout is organized in a raster*, in which the pixels will compose the structure of the works. The composition is created by technical accidents or “glitches” occurring during the process of “transmission of information”. Some “bits” of papers fall, unglued from the support resulting in a random lack of data, which is supplanted by the background, creating new colors and flecks of information on a monochromatic (or three-chromatic) surface.

(*) Raster is a rectangular pattern of parallel scanning lines followed by the electron beam on a television screen or computer monitor.
